Thursday, August 29, 2013

SQL Prompt - list, editor, column adjustment,

SQL>list // list the previous command

To open a editor in SQL prompt and edit the command that was typed in previously

SQL>define _editor = "gedit" //sets the editor to geditor,

P.S - SQL>define - gives you the defined current variables

SQL>edit // you will have the geditor open and you can enter the commands\edit it

Editor open with a file afiedt.buf in the home folder -> once you have written into it -> Save your changes, MAKE SURE THE END OF CHARACTER OF THE FILE IS ->  / ( Just like ;)

SQL>/  //Runs the edited query 

Setting the width of the column

SQL>column column_name format a30; // sets the column to a size of 30 characters
Setting the size of a line

SQL>set linesize 300;

Setting the size of pagination or size of the page

SQL> set page size 0;

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